Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 14...Letter 10...WHAT!?

I am SIX letters behind...yes yes I am WELL aware of this. Having spent the last few days travelling around between University and home, trying to finish my group's first handed in MA project (argh!) and still having time to visit the Chocolate Festival on the Southbank, I have definitely not been spending time making myself a better person. Not in bloggie form at least. I have however thought about writing if that helps. Anyone? Never mind. So I've decided to outsource as my family are quite thrilled about this whole blogging malarkey. To make up for the 10th day I shall publish a letter my Father wrote for this purpose. My Mother and Grandmother currently have works in the pipeline. That's three...and I shall tomorrow write 2 plus the actual one. I'll just transfer the pre-written letters in my head onto the paper. But...lazy as it seems, outsourcing has been a rather nice experience. Lots of people who are not terribly into the 'blogging scene' and have never heard of the 'A Hundred Days...' have started reading and commenting on how much they like the whole concept. But -of course- they a) don't wanna look like a copycat and b) don't have time to write once a day, every day, for a hundred days. So but uh...asking for help I'm actually giving people the opportunity to join in. So am I...does that failing have I actually become a BETTER PERSON!? YES ! YES!! YES!!!

Dad's Letter:

Dear Mr Blair (not President or Prime Minister),

I thank you very much for the information that the decision to go to war was one that had to be made.I fortunately have never had to fight in any of your wars but I do note that you have now been responsible for more wars than during the era of WWII. That is some achievement and you must be very proud. However I don't want to spend too much time with sarcastic remarks (as I could go on all day).

The point is there are so many people who have died because somewhere along the line you decided to play God. A decision was made to go to war on an unsubstantiated claim that there were WMD (weapons of mass destruction). I understand your decision was made on the basis that WMD 's did exist but you never ever ever asked for any proof. Why is that? Are you able to answer that question?

For all the people who you have used as cannon fodder for your own political means I ask you to reconsider your statement today. That 'Faith' gave you the strength to make tough decisions. I am not sure about faith at all and I am certainly not sure about your faith . Not because I am Jewish and you come from a Christian background. Oh no not at all.

But there are some common statements set out in the Old and New Testament that I would assume something of 'faith' such of yourself would abide by. However...
Thou shall not kill............. More wars than during the era of WWII
Thou shall not bear false witness.......... I can't answer this for legal reasons. As a Lawyer you will understand that. Let the people make a decision on this.
Thou shall not steal................. Yes, but who allowed the stealing of the lives of these teenagers and youths? Not to mention older family men and women?

I am not intending to qualify a full argument on these. But its interesting that the mention of your "faith" never entered into your first term as Prime Minister. Tell me Mr Blair did you find Faith later on or did you just hide it ? I have seen so many people hide behind their "faith" and I'll tell you this Mr Blair...

Faith is not about religion.

Faith is about trust and respect ; The whole country trusted you and put faith in you . We did not ask you to summon up your own faith to do it . Nor did we ask you to use your religion as a banner. I am not religious as I have stated, but I am sickened by anybody who has used the "F" word as any part of their pathetic argument to crawl and wriggle out of reasoning.

Meantime this question still remains unanswered: Who said Saddam only needs 45 minutes to release WMD? Will you ever tell us who said this? So far that person has been hidden or even buried from view. Far be it from me to defend even one hair on the head of Saddam Hussein Dead or Alive. However just remember that, just like the crusades, thousands of innocent people have died or been made to suffer because somebody with faith hung onto a decision.

How about you stand up and be a man and indicate that you and not God stubbornly stood by a very wrong decision? Saddam may be dead because of you but at what cost? This is a letter to ask you to have the Faith to stand up and admit you were wrong and apologise its the least you can do .

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