Sunday, January 17, 2010

Letter 14...


I haven't seen you for a few months. I haven't really been all that much in touch with you. But the day I saw a message on your Facebook wall saying someone was praying for your family and talking about your sister, my heart stopped. I've thought about you and your sister a little each day since then and, without ever having met her, I'm so sad for her, for you, for your family and for all her friends. I know you have family and friends encircling you right now. I know that I'm just another person offering words of comfort and empathy, a person much much less close to you than the ones currently there for you in Indiana. So I don't want to labour the point. I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for you like so many others. Your last two blogs have been absolutely beautiful and moved me just so much. Your brotherly qualities and love shine out and I think you sister was so lucky to have you.

I wish you all the best Bradley. I think you're amazingly brave. I hope to see you in happier times.
